Auxiliary Program

SAPS Auxiliary Constables attend the Police and Peace Officer Memorial Service with Chief Robichaud.

The Sainte-Anne Police Service Auxiliary Constable Program, established in 2010, is comprised of dedicated volunteers who assist our regular service members in their duties and engage with our community. 

Following an interview and background verification process, accepted applicants take part in practical and theory training on police procedures before moving on to a program orientation session and in-field mentoring with experienced members. 

Equipped with the invaluable experience gained from the program, auxiliary members frequently move on to full-time employment with Sainte-Anne (often initially as a Community Safety Officer as part of our "Auxiliary-to-Constable" career path), other police services or other law enforcement related fields such as Manitoba Sheriffs, Corrections, Canda Border Services and more.

Are you up to the task?

Auxiliary Constables conducting foot and bike patrols during a town event.